Offset Sizes

NOTE 1: #

This page is not complete. Researched stuff will follow from time to time, when i get around working on research.

NOTE 2: #

Europe and USA are the same from the save structure, hence they are marked as EUR_USA.

On this page, you can quickly see the Offsets + Sizes for each region compared!

Save Copy Size 0x15FE0 0x12224 0x173FC
Player Startoffset 0xC 0xC 0x14
Playersize 0x228C 0x1D10 0x249C
Villager Startoffset 0x8A3C 0x744C 0x9284
Villagersize 0x700 0x5C0 0x7EC
Patternsize 0x228 0x220 0x234
Lettersize 0xF4 0x8C 0x100
Main Checksumoffset 0x15FDC 0x12220 0x173F8
LetterStorage Start 0x2E20C 0x35BEC 0x337FC
LetterStorage Checksum 0x3FFFE 0x3FFFE 0x3FFFE